Saturday, March 04, 2006

A request

I think it would be good if, when anyone contributes, they give they their name and congregation (at least initially) because some of your user names don't give much of a clue as to who you are. If you get the chance, it would also be good to put a few details in each of your profiles to give a bit of background about who you are and what your apostolate is.

Brothers' meeting in London, Tues. Feb. 28th

Last Tuesday, a meeting was held for Provincials, vocations directors and any other interested Brothers from Brothers' congregations. We were delighted to also welcome a Jesuit Brother and an ordained Brother from the Fraternity of the Little Brothers of Jesus (Charles de Foucauld). The meeting was held to provide feedback from the two regional gatherings of Brothers that took place during last Autumn in Leeds and Oxford and to look ahead at how we should go forward in terms of collaborative work, mutual support, etc... between our different congregations. I will publish the minutes soon on here (or maybe you can do so yourself, Ben? :-)