Thursday, August 10, 2006

National Vocations Forum 06 - Worth Abbey

Spent Sunday July 18th at Worth Abbey (see I was there for a National Vocations Forum with other religious (including Bro. Ben Foy), priests and lay people, all of whom work in some way in the area of vocations. It was a wonderful time of shared experiences, wisdom and support, skillfully facilitated by Abbot Christopher Jamison of Worth.

It didn't just deal with the burning question of religious/priestly vocations but also addressed the wider, more fundamental question of christian vocation and the discernment necessary to be able to hear God's call to whatever way of life; be it marriage, celibate single life, religious life, priesthood, etc... and to particular a apostolate within that life.

Here are a few snaps.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Monastery Revisited

Calling all fans of BBC 2's 2005 reality series "The Monastery" (see earlier posts). There is a "Monastery Revisited" programme due to air on BBC 2 (UK) next Weds. 7th June, followed by the start of a 4-part series looking this time at the life of contemplative nuns: "The Convent" (sounds like jumping on the bandwagon, but let's see what it's like).

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A request

I think it would be good if, when anyone contributes, they give they their name and congregation (at least initially) because some of your user names don't give much of a clue as to who you are. If you get the chance, it would also be good to put a few details in each of your profiles to give a bit of background about who you are and what your apostolate is.

Brothers' meeting in London, Tues. Feb. 28th

Last Tuesday, a meeting was held for Provincials, vocations directors and any other interested Brothers from Brothers' congregations. We were delighted to also welcome a Jesuit Brother and an ordained Brother from the Fraternity of the Little Brothers of Jesus (Charles de Foucauld). The meeting was held to provide feedback from the two regional gatherings of Brothers that took place during last Autumn in Leeds and Oxford and to look ahead at how we should go forward in terms of collaborative work, mutual support, etc... between our different congregations. I will publish the minutes soon on here (or maybe you can do so yourself, Ben? :-)

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Monastery - BBC 2, May '05

To set the ball rolling, a post I put on my own blog last year:

"The Monastery": a highly successful BBC 2 3-part documentary following 5 contemporary men who volunteer to live 40 days at Worth Abbey. I know lots of people who've seen at least part of it, some of whom have a lukewarm attitude to organised religion at the best of times. They were all gobsmacked by it and many found it profoundly moving (as I did myself - especially the last part and Tony's religious experience). The reaction in the press has been amazing. One of the volunteers (Tony) has even been talking openly on TV chat shows about how he discovered faith in God during the experience. His story gives tremendous witness to what Christianity has to offer people in today's secularised societies, in part simply because of the type of person he was before doing the series and also through seeing how it has changed him. I know a lot of people are campaigning for the series to be realeased on dvd but the BBC have not announced any such plans as yet.

A friend of mine has managed to do a decent transfer from vhs to dvd for me and I'm giving copies out to people. I've used part of it already in school. It's a wonderful resource to have: insights into religious life - its difficulties, its riches, insights into Christianity in general, a very positive image of the Church and of the Benedictines involved - the Abbot, Novice Master, etc... some of whom give individual guidance to the volunteers and classes to the whole group. Each of the 5 volunteers came with "issues" that needed sorting out. Three of them were not practicing Christians, but they all thought that their time in the monastery would allow them to take stock, to recharge the batteries and come back "into the world" hopefully as better people. Little did they know that they were going to get far more than they bargained for.


It was great to see people having the kind of (religious) experiences I have had at times over the years and talking about them in lay man's terms. It's also great to see an aspect of the Church portrayed in such an open, positive and generous manner. The series has reminded me why I was so attracted initially to monastic life (Benedictine monasticism - Thanks, Raph - and then the Cistercian variety) as opposed to the Brothers I am now with. Though I thoroughly enjoy life as a De La Mennais Brother and have no regrets, part of me still longs for the "desert". I try and go for a monastic retreat once a year and also take school groups on retreat. As Brothers, we have to try and live out many of the values and principles of monastic life in an urban, "worldy" context. Not always plain sailing, but very rewarding.

Fascinating to follow how the candidates gradually open up, learn about themselves, about others, about monastic life, about God... That bit about learning to see yourself as others see you... very powerful + so true. The programme challenges me and makes me want to reassess who and where I am, imagining what I would say if some of their questions were addressed to me. In many ways I envy those Benedictine monks. Life for them is in a sense very simple and straightforward. I want to maintain that simplicity in my own vocation, but it's not always easy. Peace and love... that's all. When I am at peace and basking in God's love, all is well and I feel a taste of heaven and of what is awaiting me/us.

Anyway, if anyone wants a copy on dvd, just let me know and I'll post it off to you. No fee. You can say a few prayers for us instead! If anyone from the BBC reads this, I hope you understand my reasons. If you do release it on dvd I will stop giving out my copies.