"The Monastery": a highly successful BBC 2 3-part documentary following 5 contemporary men who volunteer to live 40 days at Worth Abbey. I know lots of people who've seen at least part of it, some of whom have a lukewarm attitude to organised religion at the best of times. They were all gobsmacked by it and many found it profoundly moving (as I did myself - especially the last part and Tony's religious experience). The reaction in the press has been amazing. One of the volunteers (Tony) has even been talking openly on TV chat shows about how he discovered faith in God during the experience. His story gives tremendous witness to what Christianity has to offer people in today's secularised societies, in part simply because of the type of person he was before doing the series and also through seeing how it has changed him. I know a lot of people are campaigning for the series to be realeased on dvd but the BBC have not announced any such plans as yet.
A friend of mine has managed to do a decent transfer from vhs to dvd for me and I'm giving copies out to people. I've used part of it already in school. It's a wonderful resource to have: insights into religious life - its difficulties, its riches, insights into Christianity in general, a very positive image of the Church and of the Benedictines involved - the Abbot, Novice Master, etc... some of whom give individual guidance to the volunteers and classes to the whole group. Each of the 5 volunteers came with "issues" that needed sorting out. Three of them were not practicing Christians, but they all thought that their time in the monastery would allow them to take stock, to recharge the batteries and come back "into the world" hopefully as better people. Little did they know that they were going to get far more than they bargained for.
see http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/programmes/monastery/
and http://www.worthabbey.net/

It was great to see people having the kind of (religious) experiences I have had at times over the years and talking about them in lay man's terms. It's also great to see an aspect of the Church portrayed in such an open, positive and generous manner. The series has reminded me why I was so attracted initially to monastic life (Benedictine monasticism - Thanks, Raph - and then the Cistercian variety) as opposed to the Brothers I am now with. Though I thoroughly enjoy life as a De La Mennais Brother and have no regrets, part of me still longs for the "desert". I try and go for a monastic retreat once a year and also take school groups on retreat. As Brothers, we have to try and live out many of the values and principles of monastic life in an urban, "worldy" context. Not always plain sailing, but very rewarding.
Fascinating to follow how the candidates gradually open up, learn about themselves, about others, about monastic life, about God... That bit about learning to see yourself as others see you... very powerful + so true. The programme challenges me and makes me want to reassess who and where I am, imagining what I would say if some of their questions were addressed to me. In many ways I envy those Benedictine monks. Life for them is in a sense very simple and straightforward. I want to maintain that simplicity in my own vocation, but it's not always easy. Peace and love... that's all. When I am at peace and basking in God's love, all is well and I feel a taste of heaven and of what is awaiting me/us.
Anyway, if anyone wants a copy on dvd, just let me know and I'll post it off to you. No fee. You can say a few prayers for us instead! If anyone from the BBC reads this, I hope you understand my reasons. If you do release it on dvd I will stop giving out my copies.
Dear Brother James Hayes,
Please email me your email address so that we can talk about The Monastery (BBC).
My email is mikewcz[insert the at sign here]gmail.com
God bless
Pleasant blog, we have an ecumenical list for monstic subjects, spirituality, etc at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/monasterion . 375 members (bishops, priests, religious, hermits, laity).
John ( a monk)
I'm already searching for a DVD-version of 'the monastry' for quit some time.
Now I did find your offer to send me a copy.
Please contact me, if this offer still counts, or if you know an other way of getting one.
I' would be so greatfully, and yes, I'll remind you in prayer :-)
my email: liesbet.bockaert@ijd.be
for quitsome time, I've been searching for the original series of 'the monastery' on DVD.
I do live in Belgium, where it wasn't yet broadcast, but nevertheless, I would love to use the images for educational and teaching reasons.
It would be wonderfull, if I could get a copy of you. Of course, if the offer is still counts. If not: does this mean that the sereis is available on DVD? and if so, can you help me to find the way towards it?
Please contact me on my email: liesbet.bockaert@ijd.be
I'll be so greatfull, and yes, I will remenber you in prayer :-)
(from Belgium)
I am a writer working on a book project about silent retreats, and would love to interview someone from the Abbey about the show "Monastery." Could you please drop me a line at sgriest (at) yahoo.com? Thanks so very much in advance for your time.
Best wishes,
Stephanie Elizondo Griest
You can watch the whole of The Monastery on You Tube.
See http://www.youtube.com/user/SilenceAddict
Would love to track down a copy of the DVD for use in a discussion group.
Please advise: youareloved@juno.com
PS Anyone seen Mr. Harvey Lights a Candle? Excellent!
Brother James Hayes,
I too have been searching for a DVD copy of "The Monastery" (and perhaps the related series "The Convent")
My email is
God Bless
Dear Brother James,
I have been searching for a long time for the DVD of this series.
My emailaddress is jadzia.daxx at gmail.com
(I write the address like this because of spam prevention)
I am happy to pay for any costs that have to be made.
Love and Light,
Brother James,
If you a copy, I'd love to see a version. The Youtube version is a bit choppy and takes away from the show significantly, I would imagine.
Many thanks,
Dear Brother James.
With great interest I have followed the BBC series "The Monastery".
I am a Baha'i but am genuinely interested in all Faiths. I was deeply touched by the programme, and has read everything I can possibly find of information about it and about the "Worth Abbey" itself and what it stands for.
Is it possible that you can send me a copy of the mentioned DVD? Do you have other related subjects on DVD? I would of course be happy to pay any cost.
Please let me hear from you.
My email:
God bless you... Karen Elise, Denmark.
If there is any way of getting a copy of this series, I would be most grateful.
I have been trying to locate this series on American television but to no avail.
I would cover all costs - dvd/shipping/etc...
please email me at abuck10 at yahoo dot com.
As I said, I would be sincerly grateful.
Dear Brother James Hayes,
My name is Ami after much searching of my own to find a copy of this series on DVD I ve realised its very difficult. During my search I came across your blog here.
My mother in-law would love a copy of this for Christmas and I would like to be able to give this to her.
My email is rmsloan5 (at)bigpond.com.
If you at all able to help me could you please email me.. rmsloan5(at)bigpond.com.
Thank you,
Ami Sloan
Adelaide, South Australia
Dear Brother James Hayes,
My name is Ami after much searching of my own to find a copy of this series on DVD I've realized its very difficult. During my search I came across your blog here.
My mother in-law would love a copy of this for Christmas and I would like to be able to give this to her.
My email is rmsloan5 (at)bigpond.com.
If you at all able to help me could you please email me.. rmsloan5(at)bigpond.com.
Thank you,
Ami Sloan
Adelaide, South Australia
I am interested in getting a copy of the DVD if that offer is still open. I have a number of friends whom I would like to make copies for as well. I'd pay happy to pay any shipping costs.
mattburrill1 at gmail.com
The Monastery (BBC) is downloadable from
Brother James;
Like many others, I've been looking for a copy of the Monastery. I teach religion at a Western Canadian high school, and I keep talking about this program with my students. I would dearly love to show it to them. Could you kindly contact me at:
Thank you.
Stefan Johnson
Dear Brother James,
"The Monastery" has been in my mind ever since I watched it some years ago. I would really love to share it with other people in my life, yet the only hope I have at the moment is youtube, which doesn't do the programme justice.
I wondered whether it was possible to have a copy of the DVD, as I see you might have one available.
My email is roxanagozzard@hotmail.com
Thank you,
Has anyone used this series in a small group discussion forum? If so would you be willing to share your discussion questions? Thanks
email: destinycf@earthlink.net
Dear Brother Hayes,
I too have been searching for a copy of "the Monastery". and "the Monastery Revisited" for our mens group from church for a while, but no success.
I realise most postings are from a couple of years ago, but will pay any costs involved if still available, and we will all remember you in prayer.
my e-mail is bgn atsign internode.on.net.
Our church is Paradise community church in Adelaide, South Australia.
Gods Blessings
Please advise how I can acquire a copy of the DVD of the 2005 series.
I reside in South Africa
Many thanks
Michael Bouchier
Please advise how I can acquire a copy of the DVD of the 2005 series.
I reside in South Africa
Many thanks
Michael Bouchier
Brother James,
I am an asst professor at a Benedictine college in the US. this Dvd would be great for when we study St Benedict's rule with Freshman.
Please let me know how I can get a copy.
God Bless,
Dear Brother James,
If it is stil possible, please could I get a copy of the DVD. It is a wonderful service that you are offering to people.
I live in New Zealand so would send postage.
Be assured of my prayers,
Dear Brother James
I meant to use my real name in the email from New Zealand (not pink girl which started as a joke).
What a find! I saw The Monastery while spending some time at St. Andrew's Abbey in Valyermo, CA. What a shame it's not available on DVD. I would love to have a copy if you'd still entertain sending one.
My email is
God Bless
What a find! I saw The Monastery while spending some time at St. Andrew's Abbey in Valyermo, CA. What a shame it's not available on DVD. I was hoping to share with some friends and family and I see you may be able to help. I would love to have a copy if you'd still entertain sending one.
My email is
God Bless
Dear Brother James,
I have just finished watching the series The Big Silence, also with Father Christopher Jamison. I found it very moving and inspiring. If you're still offering to send copies of The Monastery I would be very grateful! My email address is dunctonhoney@gmail.com
Best wishes,
Katie Honey
Dear Brother James Hayes,
Like many others, I've been looking for a copy of the Monastery. If you're still offering to send copies I would be very grateful!
In that case would you kindly contact me at: janka.oostveen@planet.nl.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Janka Oostveen
Dear Brother Hayes,
I would love a copy of The Monastery to use for discussion in my church small group and would be glad to cover any costs. If you're still sending copies out, or if you know of any other way to find a copy, please contact me at susan.r.vargas@gmail.com.
Warm regards,
Susan Vargas
I just finished reading, "Finding Sanctuary" and i am very interested in receiving a DVD copy of "The Monestery". Please let me know if you are still sending them out or if you know of another way of getting one.
My email is vickyiacarella@mac.com
Peace and thank you.
Dear Vicky,
I've been away for much of the last month and can't remember if I replied to you using your e-mail address. Yes, I can send you a copy. Just give me your postal address.
God bless,
Br. James
My husband has recently started studying at seminary. We saw The Monastery at a friend's home when traveling and knew that his fellow students would love to see it. Is there any way that we could get a DVD copy of it? My email address is liz.lashower@gmail.com. Thank you so much.
My husband has recently started studying at seminary. We saw The Monastery at a friend's home when traveling and knew that his fellow students would love to see it. Is there any way that we could get a DVD copy of it? My email address is liz.lashower@gmail.com. Thank you so much.
Dear Brother James,
My husband and I have recently found out about 'The Monastery, documentary, and are really keen to get a copy. We have searched the internet, and you seem to be the only option! We would love to watch it in our home group. Have bought the book 'Finding Sanctuary' and are so enjoying it, we feel the book and documentary would make a great practical study. I think it would be amazing to understand what the monasteries have to offer the church in the secular world. We are so taken with the teaching and want more! Could we buy the whole series please. We live in New Zealand.
May God bless you,
Daina Croft
Dear Daina,
I would be delighted to send you a copy of "The Monastery". It will be on a single home-recorded dvd and is of decent enough video quality. Certainly good enough to use. Just give me your address. Payment = prayers for my family, especially for my father who has Parkinson's and is in a nursing home in Ireland, and for my sister Mona whose son committed suicide 4 yrs. ago.
You may well be interested in "The Big Silence", a kind of follow-up to "The Monastery", fronted by Abbot Christopher Jamison of Worth Abbey who was the main monk seen in "The Monastery" and the author of "Finding Sanctuary" as well as "Finding Happiness".
It can be purchased here:
and see here
for info on the series.
God bless,
Br. James Hayes
Dear Brother James,
Like so many others I have been searching for a copy of The Monastery for my father-in-law.
If you are still sending them out would it be possible to get a copy?
My email address is simonandanna at gmail dot com.
Many thanks
Dear Simon,
Sorry about the delay. If you give me your postal address I would be delighted to send you a copy.
God bless,
Br. James
Dear Brother James,
Are you still distributing copies of the series of the 'Monastery'? I'd be very interested in a copy for my church's small group. It would be wonderful!
My email address is:
carrington_emman (at) Hotmail.com
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