This is how I would sum up my life as a De La Salle Religious Brother. I am a member of an order, started by Saint John Baptist de La Salle in France in 1681, who is now the Patron Saint of Teachers. I am vowed to live in community, to pray together, to be of service as brothers in an educational environment.
I am 58 years young and have followed this inspiration as brother and educator for over 40 years. Having attended a Brothers’school in St Helens, Merseyside, I was attracted by the brothers prayerfulness, happiness and enjoyment being with young people. Through prayer and discussion, I came to believe, that God was inviting me to share their lives.
After a period of training, during which time I changed my name to Benedict (from Paul), I made vows – public promises to God – that I would live as a brother. Since then I have tried conscientiously, to live as a brother of Jesus; as a brother to the men I live in community with; as a brother to the men and women I work with in the world of education; and as an older brother to the young people it has been my privilege to live and work with. I have worked as a teacher, rugby and football referee, retreat giver, counselling psychologist, chaplain, but as a brother my main purpose in life is to stand alongside people on behalf of Jesus.
The vows I have freely made, of poverty, chastity, obedience, educational service to the poor and stability, have never been a burden for me. Through them I feel that I have been freed to be there for people, on behalf of God, as their brother (rather than as husband or dad!), wherever and however that may be needed. I have been privileged to live and work with young people and teachers in many places in Britain, Europe and the US, from delinquents to university students, of many abilities, nationalities and faiths. Through them I have learned to encounter, recognise and know deeply that I am blessed by God. I am privileged also, to serve mostly young people as their brother, in many different ways – but always for the same reasons – to help them to know God’s love; to help them achieve God’s will that “they might have life to the full”, and through them help to make our world a better place. What more could I wish for?
Why do I remain a brother? Yes, there have been difficulties, yes sometimes it is tough living in community, and yes the world of education can be difficult place to have responsibility – but isn’t this the general experience of life through which we all grow? I have learned that we grow more (in courage, compassion, faith, patience etc,) through facing the difficulties rather than looking for the easy life!
Some years ago a particular passage from the Bible struck home for me: “You have seduced me, Lord, and I have let myself be seduced!” (Jeremiah 20:7 – Jerusalem Bible version). Over the years this passage has turned into the present tense – “you are seducing me and I am letting myself be seduced,” because this is what is happening to me, this is what God is doing in my life! I am enriched by thousands of younger brothers and sisters, who share with me their efforts to live authentically, to achieve their best. I am blessed by the opportunities, support and experiences that my community and colleagues give me. But above all, my constant experience of God, in prayer and in life, affirms me as a valued, loved and gifted person. I consider it then, simply to be my privilege to respond, as brother, to God, to Jesus, my brother!
Technorati Tags: brother, religious life, vocation
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